Side Hustle Internship Experience
Internship Track – Frontend Development (Vue Js)
About Side Hustle
Side Hustle is a talent management platform that is aimed at building Africa’s workforce by empowering youths (undergraduates, graduates and Youth Corp members) with the needed skills to help them earn a living in the society and connecting them with the right businesses that need their skills to help them grow their business.
The quest to become skilled, offer value, and have an edge in the global workforce was the compelling motivation to be a part of the Side Hustle Internship 4.0. For many, this is the first opportunity at interning, while for others, it is an opportunity to reinforce previous knowledge and learn new technologies or skills. Serving as interns on the Sidehustle internship programme has been a rewarding and motivational experience for all of us on Team Stark. At first, questions like “what would it be like?”, “what would we be doing?”, “will I be able to cope or do well on the programme?” occupied our minds.
Internship Description
On our track, we are focusing mainly on learning Vue.js, an open-source front-end JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page web applications. With such an empathetic, compassionate and supportive mentor, and a community of supportive and motivated interns, this experience is helping us achieve our goal of becoming skilled at the use of the Vue framework in the development of web applications. More than that, we are gaining teamwork skills which are critical to being effective in the marketplace.
The Jobberman soft skill training and certification
Identifying soft skills as a core demand in an ever-evolving, dynamic work ecosystem, Sidehustle in partnership with Jobberman put in place training for interns onboarded on the program to bridge the technical and soft skill gap. Because of this training, we have a better grasp on what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, time management, effectiveness and efficiency in the workplace, relationship etiquettes in the workplace etc.
Internship Activities
Week 1
We were introduced to core concepts in Vue, such as;
The Vue instance,
Vue data & methods,
Events & event-modifiers,
Week 2
We have looked at;
Computed properties,
Dynamic classes,
Looping with v-for etc
Highlight of the week - We have built a group capstone project as part of the mandatory task on the program.
At this time, we are gone two weeks into the programme already and are left with four more weeks for active learning and completing projects. So far, we are confident about the growth and progress we have made and are doubly confident and assured that the following weeks of the program will be much more rewarding. And much more, we are certain about excelling in our front-end development career path afterwards.